Raw & Real #1 2023

Hello and Happy Friday!!!
Before I get stuck into RAW&REAL this week, the first of 2023! I wanted to take the time to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope that you all had some time to relax and reflect on the year that was and of course had some time celebrating with loved ones. And if not, I trust that you were kind to yourself.
As I get older the years seem to fly by! I remember when I was younger being told that the older you get the faster time flies by and I can certainly attest to that now!
With a new year usually comes resolutions but I’d rather talk about the things you’d like to achieve, your goals for this year. So often, resolutions – whilst set with great intentions are often forgotten about by the time January is over and are set with the idea of thinking that we don’t live up to the ideals that society places on us and that we have either change or stop doing something.
Goals and and aspirations, however are set with passion and driven by your desire to achieve your goal/s and are mostly done over an extended period of time with the actions you take to accomplish your goals becoming second nature and are measurable by your happiness and joy in striving to achieve your goals and ultimately achieving them!
So, my first questions for you all for 2023 are:
Have you set any goals for yourself for this year?
If you have, would you be happy to share them with your TOL family?
Have you broken them down into small achievable steps?
Are you calling in your support crew to achieve your goals?
I’d love to hear how you are all feeling about this warmer weather and I’d especially like to hear your goals for 2023!
Until next week, have a fantastic week and stay cool!
– Kerry